Is Yoga Good For Weight Loss?
Most of the people generally choose most drastic ways to lose fat or to lose that bulge around the belly. The most common methods generally observed are crash dieting, working out for a few hours and leaving it. However, the best method to lose fat around the stomach and to get a flat tummy is to practice yoga for at least 30 minutes a day.
Not only YOGA helps in losing weight and getting that flat stomach, it also makes the person feel lighter. Yoga affects the body in many ways other than just weight loss.
Bhujangasana or the Cobra Pose for Weight Loss
- To practice Bhujangasana , lie prone on the floor or the yoga mat i.e. on your stomach with the top of your feet and chin resting on the floor.
- Legs should be kept close together with the heels and feet lightly touching each other.
- Place your palms facing downwards i.e. facing ground and below the shoulders with the fingers of your hand outwards i.e. other side of the body.
- While practicing Bhujangasana, the elbows should be kept parallel to each other and close to the body.
- While inhaling deeply, gently raise your head, chest and abdomen up while keeping the navel and pelvis touching the floor.
- Take your shoulders back and down in such a way that when the head is tilted backwards, and the chest is opened forward while practicing Bhujangasana.
- Focus your gaze forward or upwards depending upon the flexibility of your neck and spine or till where you can bend backwards.
- Raise your body upwards till your arms become straight on the ground.
- Keep pressing the ground with your pelvis. Also, make sure that you are not putting a lot of tension in your arms.
- At a point where you are comfortable, hold the pose for 20-30 seconds.
- Straighten you to a point where you are comfortable. Do not overstretch or exert yourself.
- While exhaling, gently take your body downwards to rest on the floor.
- Relax with your hand stretched outwards and chin touching the floor.
Lose Inches/Kilos with Uttanasana or the Camel Pose
- To practice Uttanasana, first get into Vajrasana on the floor or on the yoga mat.
- Now, stand on your knees with the hands on your sides while practicing .
- Ideally, both the knees and feet should touch each other. But you can also keep a little distance between both knees and both feet depending upon your comfort.
- Lean a little backwards in this position while practicing Uttanasana in such a way that your right hand grasps your right ankle and the left hand grasps your left ankle.
- Do not strain or over exert while taking your hands to your ankles.
- Try to push your abdomen forward while keeping your thighs vertical or straight and tilt your head and neck backwards.
- Take your head and neck as backwards as you can.
- Try to relax your body and all the back muscles while being in this pose.
- While practicing Uttanasana, the weight of your body will be supported by your arms and legs simultaneously.
- The shoulders are stretched and supported by your arms in this pose. The shoulders and arms help in maintain arch of the back in this position.
- This is the final Uttanasana pose. Stay in this pose for as long as you feel comfortable or for a few breaths.
- Release the Uttanasana pose by leaving the grasp of the ankles one at a time. Leave the right ankle and then the left ankle and come back to your knees.
- Get back in Vajrasana.
- This completes one round of Uttanasana or The Camel Pose.
Adho Mukha Svanasana or The Downward Facing Dog Pose for Weight Loss.
- To practice Adho Mukha Svanasana, stand on the floor or on the yoga mat.
- Kneel on the yoga mat or floor in such a way that the whole body is supported with hands and knees on the floor. Make sure your knees are in straight line with your hips in this position.
- Make your palms spread on the yoga mat make sure that the maximum force is exerted with the index finger on the floor. Your forefingers should turn a little parallel.
- While exhaling, lift your knees far from the floor in such a way that the knees come in line with the thighs and they are not bent.
- In the beginning, if you face any difficulty in keeping the knees straight, you can keep them a little bent and heels lifted from the floor.
- Try to raise your hip bones inside and try to draw your legs into the crotch.
- In this position, make the highest point of the thighs push back and let your heels touch the floor.
- Try to lift your body far from the ground while keeping your arms and legs straight.
- Keep your shoulders very firm and open your chest in this position.
- Keep your head between your arms and make sure you are looking downwards, and your head does not drop in this position.
- Adho Mukha Svanasana is also a part of Surya Namaskar and it is a very helpful asana to stretch all the muscles of your body.
- Stay in this position for a few breaths or for a few seconds
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